Michon Neal
1 min readMar 6, 2017


Thank you for including me. While I am not always nor primarily a woman, being assigned such impacts my experience beyond measure.

I am weary with the watering down of intersectionality to the latest yte feminist buzzword, devoid of the integration of the interlocking oppressions that arise primarily from the erasure of Black women and queer Black femme existence and the specific violence against us — a violence which touches every other aspect of being and “-ist” you can conceive of.

Yes, so not only us, but as a means to understand how it is all based on oppressing us in particular, with everyone else as collateral damage, but most especially if you are ultimate Other.



Michon Neal

Writer. Lover of the cosmos, books, nature, and anime. Deals with disabilities of the physical kind. Creates ways of healing and learning.