All Things Being Equal

Michon Neal
2 min readNov 22, 2021

Until we see the same financial, medical (other than race-specific differences in rates of incidence like with sickle cell), and criminal patterns/rates among marginalized groups as there are in white and some Asian groups, we cannot say the system/government is done doing its job to make up for a society that is responsible for the following:

  • medical experimentation on Black, indigenous, disabled and queer people;
  • used science to perpetuate harmful and inaccurate ideas about race, sexuality, disability;
  • chattel slavery;
  • wrongful imprisonment and execution of Asians, indigenous people, and Black people;
  • theft of property and ideas of racial and sexual minorities;
  • forced sterilization of Indigenous, Black, disabled, and queer people;
  • plotted against, disrupted, and assassinated activists, leaders, advocates;
  • manipulated Black citizens’ ability to vote or go to school;
  • created a hostile culture of terror around being Black, in which at any moment you could be killed, raped, falsely accused, or beaten for your skin color to such an extent it wasn’t safe to go outside after sundown in many places;
  • actively blocked job and education opportunities, housing, public assistance;
  • split up families;
  • burned down or destroyed Black towns and businesses;
  • stripped lands of valuable…



Michon Neal

Writer. Lover of the cosmos, books, nature, and anime. Deals with disabilities of the physical kind. Creates ways of healing and learning.